October 18, 2011

Take steps to help prevent breast cancer

In Canada, one in nine women will develop breast cancer during her lifetime. Maybe wear a pink ribbon and help raise money for research against cancer. Support the fight is important, but you can also take steps to protect themselves. This article explains what you can do to the risk of developing breast reduction.
What increases my risk of developing breast cancer?

Here are some reasons why an increased risk of developing breast cancer:

    More than 50 years (younger women, but also the development of breast cancer)
    A family history of breast cancer.
    Exposed to high levels of the hormone estrogen. This can happen if you have never given birth or during the first menstruation at a young age.
    Overweight or obese - especially after menopause.
    Drinking alcohol. Whether beer, wine or spirits to choose, drinking too much alcohol can increase the risk of breast cancer.
    A diet high in fat. Low in fat can help prevent weight gain, which in turn increases the risk of breast cancer prevention.

Can I reduce my risk?

Sometimes, cancer occurs for no apparent reason, but you can use the following steps to reduce your risk:

    Follow the opinion of your provider to know your breasts, screening for breast cancer and breast cancer. Click here for more information.
    Feeding your baby, as you can. Changes in the breast cells so they are exposed to low levels of certain hormones.
    Try to be active for at least 30 minutes a day. The increase to 60 minutes if his condition improves. Consult the Guide to Physical Activity for more information. If you are new to exercise, consult your doctor before you start.

A healthy diet:

    Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Other choices of all the rainbow colors - from orange to green melon broccoli eggplant purple.
    Limit red meat to less than 500 grams per week. Use the Food Guide, which is equivalent to no more than 2.5 ounces (75 grams) of red meat per day.
    Avoid meats such as sausages, salami and hot dogs.
    Limit alcohol consumption. If you choose to drink, women do not have more than one drink per day (two drinks for men).
    Choose foods as the main source of vitamins, supplements instead of taking a high dose.
    Limit high-calorie foods and sugary drinks.

What about soy?

You may have read that soy helps prevent breast cancer. However, a week later, you may have read that soy is not effective. Why the difference? Studies on soy are mixed. Further research is needed before we know whether soy is beneficial for the prevention of breast cancer. See here and here for more information on soy.

Eat small amounts of soy foods is safe. The safety of dietary supplements such as soy isoflavones (in tablet or powder form) are not sufficiently studied and can not be recommended for prevention of breast cancer at that time.

The bottom line:

Make every effort to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Maintaining a healthy weight, stay active and make healthy food choices using the Food Guide. Increasing other healthy lifestyle choices, such as stopping smoking, reducing alcohol consumption and wear sunscreen. Not only does this reduce the risk of breast cancer, may also help reduce the risk of developing other cancers and chronic diseases.


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