October 19, 2011

Can KFC help prevent breast cancer?

KFC has a new promotion with Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the group that the money raised to fight breast cancer. The campaign is called "bucket for healing."

The participating KFC franchise is specially bucket rose recipe for grilled chicken and sell original. KFC has promised to make orders 50 cents to Komen for every pink bucket to increase the restaurant during the promotion period with a minimum donation of $ 1,000,000 and a target of more than $ 8,000,000. Twenty-five percent of the funds raised will go Komen has 120 domestic branches and programs for breast cancer in their communities. The remaining funds support the Komen research and programs.

Are OK, the scientists still argue about it, to take care of the dietary factors for breast cancer and not worried about the fat, but not about the weight of the body. Maintain a healthy weight is always the first recommendation of the American Cancer Society, for example. It is this smear campaign to KFC bucket to buy as much as possible?

On the subject of pink bucket of KFC: Dogwood Alliance is collecting signatures for a petition to the destruction of forests for KFC is to stop to make any color.

International Paper buys KFC, a company for "business as usual 'destructive practices, such as forest management on a large-scale clearcutting, known conversion of natural forests into plantations and the use of toxic chemicals in forest management.

Dogwood wants KFC to more environmentally friendly packaging for its dry use. He collected over 9,000 signatures to date.


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