October 17, 2011

How to Prevent Breast Cancer?

What causes breast cancer? Those who have been diagnosed with the disease, or watched a friend or family member to deal with it, wants to know. Research has shown that many widely understood risk factors play a role, including our genetic heritage, and if we had children or breastfed. But risk factors do not explain everything. A considerable number of scientific evidence that exposure to common chemicals and radiation, alone and in combination, may contribute to the unusually high incidence of breast cancer.

Not only exposure to certain chemicals and mixtures important, but the timing of these recordings can be decisive. Breast tissue is the stage of prenatal development when a woman born and kept there, and structures of the chest that does not go through the complete sequence of particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of environmental toxins. The cancer usually does not appear until adulthood, but can also set the stage were in the womb or in infancy.

What can we do? This feature will allow some known and suspected risk factors for breast cancer. Some of these tips apply primarily to middle-aged adults and older - men and women - the age when the diagnosis is more common. Other tips to help parents protect their children, even in utero.


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