October 17, 2011

Project aims to prevent breast cancer

An optimal level of vitamin D (40-80 ng / ml) and the creation and maintenance of healthy cells in the body. In addition to protecting the bones and strengthen the immune system, studies show that vitamin D for some cancers, including breast, ovarian, prostate and colon occurs. Exciting new research shows that the United States alone, thousands of new cases of breast cancer could be prevented each year if more women had optimal levels of vitamin D.

A study by Cedric Garland and other major vitamin D researchers has found that women high levels of vitamin D to 52 ng / ml for half the cancer risk of breast cancer than those with 13 ng / mL carry! Garland estimates that 58,000 new cases of breast cancer in the United States each year could, by increasing vitamin D levels of 52 ng / mL occur. Imagine what the overall impact would be!

Only recently, this region was 32 100 ng / mL. Make sure you ask your provider for your current level of vitamin D. If you have a deficit, the best way to quickly increase vitamin D, a vitamin D3 supplement. What healthy fish provides 300 to 700 IU, but the milk provides only 100 IU per glass.

UVB rays of the sun, our bodies produce vitamin D in the fat under the skin, unless you use a sunscreen. I urge all women to regularly check their vitamin D levels and keep optimal range. It is easy to obtain, complete with 2000 IU of vitamin D3 per day and regular, reliable sun. Dr. Christiane Northrup, a gynecologist specialist, is a visionary pioneer and beloved authority in women's health and welfare institutions and author of women's revolutionary New York Times bestsellers, women's wisdom and Wisdom of Menopause. For more information about Dr. Northrup and wisdom DrNorthrup.com Circle.

Dr. Christiane Northrup explains why the increase in vitamin D may help prevent breast cancer.


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