October 18, 2011

5 Fab Foods to Prevent Breast Cancer

October is awareness month for breast cancer, but it's always a good time to share with your Fab Five foods that can prevent breast cancer. 22,700 Canadian women had breast cancer in 2009, let me help you, not one of them - laws sister!
My career in the health and well-being is born of suffering that I saw every day as a document - especially if a breast ultrasound radiologist. My experience with my patients in the wonderful, but seemingly endless this cancer was initially made me wonder - "What We Do," and even better: "What can we do?". I can not tell you how it is overwhelming a diagnosis of breast cancer in these women beautiful, and I saw several times a week. Although research of cancer when he was well, I desperately wanted, like my patients than ever, first place. It has launched an amazing journey of research in preventive medicine, health and well-being and I learned sooo much and I can not wait to share.

The other day I saw a breast cancer cook fundraising for sale. I commend this woman well-intentioned volunteer their time to make a difference, I had this thought flash bake sale was a bit "like loaded guns waiting to deploy a suicide hotline. (. This is not the single flash before I metaphorically) And I saw an obese patient in the clinic this week, the problems of the breast and uterus, she asked, "What could cause this, I wonder?" It's so hard in a fast busy clinic to get into this and I want you to take green tea and a chat .... But there is a time and place and it is the www.canadianhealthcoach.com. So, if for some tips that can save lives - Learn more! There were 102 Canadian women died of breast cancer this week, so start today and BGOOD4U not wait another week.

And if you had the power to prevent breast cancer?

Many women do not know the power they have and how their choices on their health. There are never any guarantees in life. But as the choice to wear seat belts, not smoking and look both ways before crossing the road can save lives - what happens if you knew that the choice can prevent breast cancer? If you have a breast cancer survivor, if you knew what you could do today thrive beyond the survivor? (I'm not ready for a sales pitch here. I am free to give advice, but I want you to take breaks that you have a choice and made the difference.)

Did you know that only 5 to 30% of breast cancer is hereditary?

A study of identical twin sisters (New England Journal of Medicine 2000) showed that 73% of the twins not to fall ill with breast cancer, even if they were twins. This indicates two common misconceptions I hear from patients. First, many women think cancer is inevitable, when a family. I tell these women that the history of the family means that they are more likely to obtain information, screening and their concerns taken seriously. On the other hand, other patients with no family history, mistakenly believe that they are clear. But 87% of women with breast cancer have no family history. We're all in this together.

But the good news is that - YES! Breast cancer is largely preventable!
Research shows that 70% of breast cancers can be prevented. But with at least 1 in 9 women (and growing) still have breast cancer, does not continue to do what we have always done.

So let it. (This advice bite size and there is much more information, practical advice and recipes will be available in my book and the posts to come.)

FIVE prevention of delicious foods for breast cancer:

1. Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables

A New York study found that women who most broccoli had a 40% lower risk of breast cancer. Another study found that Polish women who emigrated to the United States increased by 3 times with the movement had breast cancer. If you have studied their diet, they found that the cabbage and sauerkraut 3 times a week, a much lower risk of breast cancer than those with a single weekly dose.

BGOOD4U chest PLAN: Goal for 4 or 5 (1 / 2 cup) servings per week of broccoli, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, beets, turnips, bok choy, mustard or cabbage. Sneak into the omelette or above the pizza home.

2. Dark green leafy vegetables

Folic acid and fiber in abundance here and this is good news for you. A study of New England found a reduced risk of breast cancer with increased consumption of spinach. (Alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer and depletes your folic acid, so if you enjoy the healthy antioxidants in red wine from time to time, you must sign in with a nice spinach salad for example. (A Harvard University study found that women with moderate alcohol consumption, diet rich in folate was associated with a reduced risk of 45% of breast cancers.)

ORGANIZE YOUR CHEST BGOOD4U: Aim for at least one daily serving of dark green leafy vegetables as part of your portion sizes from 50 to 10 fruits and vegetables / day.

3. Whole grains

You are now experts in the grains of the last post titled healthy cereal healthy profits. Whole grains are low glycemic, high fiber foods so good for your health in many ways with their fiber and phenols. They can reduce plant lignans estrogen and slow the growth of cancer cells. Women's Heath study found that sedentary women of high glycemic ("sugar spike") have been feeding 135% more likely to develop breast cancer! A Canadian study of 50,000 women found that women on high glycemic postmenopasual (" sugar spike "diet) A 87% increased risk of breast cancer. Honestly, how bad must white bread? Give it up before I tell you that you can do with white bread.

BGOOD4U chest PLAN: Aim for at least 3 days for portions 1 / 2 cup of whole grains. Oatmeal in the morning and one cup of brown rice for dinner has you covered.

4. Linseed

Flax is an integral that deserve special attention when it comes to preventing breast cancer. Flaxseed has natural plant oestrogens (lignans), similar to the stimulation of breast cancer cells by blocking estrogen. A study of postmenopausal women with newly diagnosed breast cancer found that 25 g of ground flaxseed per day (in a muffin) significantly delayed the growth of breast cancer. (Now that's what I call a magic muffin.) This investigation is still ongoing on how it affects different types of breast cancer or how it interacts with drugs, but I want watch and keep you informed.

BGOOD4U chest PLAN: Aim for at least 1-2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed per day. Sprinkle on your breakfast cereal. Add to smoothies or flax buy bread.


 Studies have shown that drinking five cups of green tea per day were associated with a reduced risk of 22% of breast cancers - and in women with stage 1 and 2 breast cancer have a reduced risk of 46 % relapse! Drink, sir. Cheers! There are health benefits as green tea (not to mention, black tea and white too).

BGOOD4U chest PLAN: Aim for at least 1-5 cups a day. Start small, if you're not a tea drinker and gradually intertwine a. If you already have a lover of green tea to increase. Add the lemon or other citrus fruits can significantly increase the amount of antioxidants of green tea, which in various configurations for your body. Do not fall in green tea beverage business, "but it's a lot of added sugar and calories. (I recently demonstrated at a workshop of the most popular with more sugar than Coca-Cola).

Well it is certainly much more than I want to say on this subject, but first we'll start with the Fab Five. You just have to sit around your fingers crossed that it will not be an "unfortunate". Is it something you can do today. U out! Sometimes we know that these things are good for us, but we do not seem to everyone as well. I hope this post gives you an extra boost and I think you'll agree that my chest BGOOD4U PLAN is fun, quick and easy. You can do this.

 Be good for you!
 Better yet - give the best of your breasts!


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