October 18, 2011

Top fastest ways to prevent breast cancer

What is needed to prevent breast cancer? The answers are there - if you can browse all research, it is. An estimated one in nine will develop breast cancer and of 28 women will die. With statistics like this, we want clear answers, no hassle.

But here's another statistic: nearly 40 percent of breast cancers can be prevented by changes in lifestyle. This estimate comes from a new report published by the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) and the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF). The study is an update of the Chapter of breast cancer in the 2007 Food, nutrition, physical activity and cancer prevention: a global perspective. The first project examined 873 research studies on the prevention of breast cancer, including factors such as diet, physical activity and weight. Factors in a new report 81 studies published over the past two years.

It is much research to be done - that's why a group of experts to make sense of it all. The project's goal is to look at the data as a set of strategies and drag demonstrated that people can use to reduce their risk.

The recommendations of the group:

Maintain a healthy weight. We heard repeatedly that obesity or overweight is a risk factor for many diseases. When it comes to breast cancer, the extra weight (especially around the middle) is a risk for postmenopausal women. Thin is better, provided they are not avoiding extreme underweight. (However, for pre-menopausal women, a little "big plus is a good thing if it reduces the risk).

Excess body fat affects the flow of hormones, and makes the ideal conditions for the development of cancer. It can also stimulate the body's inflammatory response (which in turn contributes to cancer progression).

For the year. Physical activity is important at any age, but even after menopause. Previous research has shown that the effect of the immune system and helps reduce estrogen levels - a known risk factor for breast cancer.

We know the rules, at least 30 minutes a day most days of the week. But the amount and intensity make a difference? Yes, the report said. Reduces the risk of breast cancer increases the amount of movement.

In addition, a study in October 2008 by the National Cancer Institute found that vigorous regular exercise reduces the risk of breast cancer in older women by 13 percent overall. For women who are a healthy weight, the number increased by 30 percent. Similar effects were not considered an asset "light".

Breastfeed exclusively for six months. And "food for thought for young mothers and good news for women who do the" old ". Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer at any age. Breastfeeding is good for the breast tissue, as it reduces exposure to hormones and can actually help remove breast cells, with potential damage to DNA.

to be continued...........


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