October 18, 2011

May Aspirin Prevent Breast Cancer Recurrence?

An apple a day keep the doctor away for most people, but for survivors of breast cancer may be an aspirin every day are not the thing.

A study published yesterday in the Journal of Clinical Oncology online edition summarized the results of 30 years of education of physicians and researchers at Brigham and Women Hospital in Boston, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard, as follows:

"Among women with at least one year after breast cancer, aspirin use was associated with a decreased risk of distant metastases and death from breast cancer."

The fierce determination of a flag made in the mainstream media across the country, including USA Today, the Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, the Washington Post and ABC News, among others.

Aspirin helps prevent recurrence of breast cancer? Good news, indeed. But before you start popping a daily Bayer, with calcium and vitamin D, look at the history behind it.

The results of the Nurses Health Study in progress ", which examined various factors influencing the health of thousands of nurses in the Boston area for decades. And here's what he found, in particular: the 4164 survivors of breast cancer in the study took aspirin 2-5 times a week had a lower risk of metastases by 60 percent and a risk of 71 percent lower death from breast cancer.

Interestingly, aspirin has been shown frequently (6-7 days per week) decreased to enjoy, like taking an aspirin or less days a week.

Even if the dose was not maintained, was based on the 81mg, the typical dose taken for the maintenance of heart health: the equivalent of one baby aspirin.

Scientists have theorized that aspirin anti-inflammatory drugs in a way cancer cells. They also found that aspirin blocks the growth of breast cancer cells, at least in an academic setting.

So why not start right away by taking a baby aspirin Monday to Friday?

Two reasons.

The first results of the study are those so-called "observation", which leaves a relationship, but can not prove it. "Where there is smoke without fire" is not always true. Study author Michelle Holmes of the Harvard School of Public Health, warned that more research is needed to confirm the results before making of aspirin to prevent recurrence of breast cancer is very common.

Second, aspirin, even at low doses, can cause health problems if taken over a long period of time. Researcher Eric Jacobs, writing for the website of the American Cancer Society, noted that "it would be premature for survivors of breast cancer for the use of aspirin to reduce the risk of recurrence of breast cancer or the death of their disease Cancer survivors., like other adults, the risks and benefits of aspirin with their physician. use of aspirin can have negative effects, including a major cause of gastrointestinal bleeding. "

So what is our baseline here?

As for Phase 1, 2 or 3 survivors of metastatic breast cancer is not known, the study indicates that low doses of aspirin, 2 to 5 days per week, the risk of recurrence by 60% and the risk of death from breast cancer by 71%, that's what I think:

• If you are in active treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy), not self-medicate with aspirin, may interfere with your other treatments.
• If long-term hormone therapy, or in the past to treat cancer, ask your doctor about the risks and benefits of aspirin in general.
• If your doctor thinks you are at minimal risk of adverse side effects of aspirin, and you understand these risks themselves, and to accept - then you might consider a low dose.

As Dr. Holmes said yesterday: aspirin "...., another "simple, cheap and relatively safe to help women with breast cancer live longer, healthier life

Life "longer, healthier"?

I can live with that.


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