Prevention is the best weapon against lymphedema of the arm. Learn to warnings and precautions. Apply these guidelines and increased awareness is an integral part of your life.
Skin Care is your first line of defense. If the skin as a barrier against infections, diseases of the skin can cause the problem. Burns, irritation, dryness, nails and skin lesions (such as loose leaf), tears are cuts, splinters, insect bites and the immediate risk of infection.
Learn to recognize signs of infection:
- Fever
- Rash
- Swelling, warmth, tenderness, or in the arm at risk
Infection and inflammation can quickly escalate. Redness, tenderness and warmth spread from the wound in the arm. Call your doctor if you suspect an infection. You may need antibiotics at the first sign of difficulty. If you already have swelling, or if you have diabetes (if you have swelling), you may need antibiotics after any injury, even without any sign of trouble.
If you already have a considerable swelling of the arms, can sometimes lead to a dental infection treatment arms. This is because the work of a dentist in the tissues of the mouth, the number of bacteria that can increase your blood. Vulnerable areas of the body such as the removal of a compromise swollen arm can be meeting places for bacteria. If you have an infection after dental surgery arm, tell your doctor if you have a prophylactic (preventive) antibiotics taken for the future of dental care.
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