October 16, 2011

Nutrition, Breastfeeding and Exercise Help Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women, after skin cancer. There are several risk factors for breast cancer such as smoking, obesity and physical inactivity. The National Cancer Institute has a risk analysis of breast cancer. However, there are lifestyle choices that your risk of getting sick can reduce breast cancer.

Physical Activity: The American Cancer Society recommends that women get at least 45 minutes of physical activity five or more days a week. This activity can also go hiking, swimming, gardening or household. Physical activity is particularly important for women after menopause. There are many different types of physical activities that fit your schedule.

Healthy body weight: The American Institute for Cancer Research estimates that there is convincing evidence that body fat increases the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. The AICR also pointed out that the weight gain in adulthood and the extra weight around the waist may increase risk of breast cancer in women after menopause. Maintaining a healthy body weight by choosing a low-fat, high fiber, vegetarian diet will help you body fat.

Alcohol: Experts agree that alcohol increases the risk for breast cancer. The National Cancer Institute suggests that increases the amount of alcohol increases the risk of cancer so.

Breast-feeding: Women who exclusively up to six more months of breast cancer than women who do not breastfeed breastfeeding protected. Several studies show that breastfeeding is one of the most important factors for the prevention of breast cancer. Other advantages of breastfeeding, visit La Leche League Web.

Although there are risk factors you can not change, such as age or family history are, you can choose to eat healthier foods and physical activity into your everyday life.


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