October 17, 2011

Prevent Breast throught Diet

Did you know that eating a high fiber, low fat diet, fruits and vegetables to help breast cancer include remote? One possible reason that the fiber is washed estrogen (a high level that promote cancer) in the body. A study of cancer patients is certainly done in the United States showed that women who followed a strict dietary fiber and reducing fat intake (meat, dairy products, etc.) had significantly higher levels low estrogen.

Statistics show that Japanese women have a significantly lower rate of breast cancer than American women the same age. This generates a lot to do with power, because the Japanese have for centuries recognized that the addition of algae and other aquatic plants for food keeps them healthy. They have food, drinks and even ice cream with vegetables of the sea Americans, on the other hand, are used to eating processed foods.

It's really encouraging to know that the risk of breast cancer reduced by eating healthier. And with a seaweed diet, rich and algae every day. Seaweed contains more vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fiber than any other food in the world! In fact, helping the plant from soil algae inhibits the growth of abnormal cells by as much as 95%! Change combined with exercise lifestyle and seaweed or sea vegetables to your daily diet is the best choice to prevent breast cancer.

I had my first mammogram in March 2005, was a nightmare I will never forget. No one warned me of the immense pain! And all this in and check every step to prevent breast cancer? After my mammogram and biopsy, I started looking. I would have done differently so as to have.

This is an ongoing discussion on the importance of mammography. What should I do?

Before deciding to debate the importance of mammography for you online with your own information.

During mammography, the breast is pressed twice (chest), and when they are premenstrual, the pain is unbearable. I have not been warned! So I warn you women to do a mammogram to ensure that no prior decision.

Talk to your doctor or therapist about your concerns.

Third Ask a doctor or nurse for self-examination (BSE) to teach. Sometimes, how-guides are not good enough. Get a monthly basis.

For my part, I decided to get tested every month and a doctor to get tested every six months. A mammogram? I still shudder when I teach. Time for a mammogram? Not for me, not today. We have an ultrasound instead.

Again, you should consult your doctor about your concerns.

Did you know ...
2 Before Breast cancer remains a leading cause of death among women between 35 and 54 in the U.S.? This, according to the National Cancer Institute estimates America.

2 According to a vegetarian diet seaweed, algae, or to prevent breast cancer, which includes?

3 Addition to getting a good dose of antioxidants from marine algae, you must pay for 9 ½ hours sleep in total darkness for the immune system completely.

4 If the cells proliferate or bad, change the internal environment of the body and change it to a framework that encourages the growth of cancer?

5 What are the enzymes of algae a powerful anti-cancer? Constant supply of these enzymes can prevent cancer.

6 Exercise can prevent the risk of breast cancer from 30 to 40% of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington?


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