October 17, 2011

Tips for Every Day to Preventing Breast Cancer

When my mother died of breast cancer in 1992, when a doctor and a woman, I vowed to find out whether the disease could be stopped before it ever begins. Research has shown there is no miracle elixir or habit, offering protection. But there are dozens of nutrients, foods and supplements that promise to published and ongoing studies to help reduce the risk of a woman's show.

They are gathered in my defense plan of the chest - daily and weekly with possible measures to avoid and a list of risks growing habits and shopping list for your next trip. If you have had breast cancer or treatment, you should consult your doctor before you talk about changes in diet or supplements added.

Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains
These plants contain a virtual anti-cancer drugs, fibers. The studies are conflicting, but some have shown that women who consume a diet high in fiber, significantly lower risk of breast cancer. Plant foods also contain dozens of vitamins, minerals and plant substances are based, to help protect against cancer. Because high doses of certain pesticides may increase the risk of cancer to go organic if possible.

Choose the "good fats"
Some recent studies in animals have shown that omega-3 fatty acids may help breast cancer tumors to suppress the diffusion and simple chronic inflammation, a risk factor for cancer prevention. Omega-9, which is found in olive oil, may increase the risk.

Green tea (or supplement)
Green tea contains antioxidants and health-promoting substances have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer. We do not know what the ideal number of bowls, some studies suggest that one cup a day is helpful, others say four or five.

Eat two or three tablespoons of ground flaxseed
Recent studies suggest that flaxseed is promising for the prevention and can help prevent the spread of breast cancer. Besides being rich in omega-3 fatty acids can fight flax seeds are high in fiber and lignans, some of the plant cell walls, cancer. Since the whole flaxseed may pass from the body undigested, so once they are, add fruit smoothies or sprinkle the salad.

Drag from 22.00 to 06.00 clock clock
Two independent studies in the Journal of National Cancer Institute published suggest that sleep in the darkest hours of high levels of cancer protective hormones, especially melatonin.

Get your heart rate
Several studies have shown that 30 minutes of aerobic exercise per day can reduce the risk of breast cancer by as much as 30 percent, and can help maintain a healthy weight. Women with a body mass index, healthy with a low risk.

Practice stress reduction
Reducing stress can reduce the risk of many diseases, including cancer. Choose a stress reduction technique that you like (yoga, meditation or breathing) and daily practice.

Take supplements of anti-cancer
Added to a healthy diet, these supplements in health food stores are located, can help to further reduce the risk.

Probably the number one anti-cancer herbs, turmeric helps neutralize environmental toxins in the body and closing the blood supply of tumors, elevated liver enzymes, and acts as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory . I recommend you fill in the form of 1000 mg, and the addition of herbs to the soup.

This mineral helps the body to a powerful antioxidant and studies have shown that selenium inhibits the formation of tumors and slow their growth. Brazil nuts are the best source - and possibly amended, 200 mcg (but not more) a day.

CoQ10 (If you are over 35)
Low levels of this enzyme in patients with breast cancer were found, and researchers suggest that supplements can reduce risk. Studies have used 100-150 mg daily dose, however, discuss with your health care provider.

An adaptogen herb
Ginseng, holy basil and ashwaghanda have a long history of traditional use as a tonic health promotion. Recently called adaptogens, these herbs help the harmful effects of stress.

All food-based multivitamin
Choose the one that the anti-cancer nutrients folic acid, vitamin B12 and D, and E. based food vitamins more easily assimilated.


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