October 17, 2011

Emexestane to Prevent Breast Cancer

With a median follow up of 35 months were 11 invasive breast cancers in the exemestane group versus 32 in the placebo group was observed, with a relative reduction of 65% of the annual incidence of invasive breast cancer. The researchers report that "the annual incidence of invasive breast cancer and non-invasive, 0.35% for women, exemestane vs placebo was 0.77%." The researchers conclude that exemestane inhibitor steroidal aromatase greatly reduces the risk of breast cancer in this population of women in post-menopausal women who were at moderately increased risk of breast cancer.

This study was extensive media coverage during the 2011 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO ®) and June 5, coinciding with the online publication of scientific work in the New England Journal of Medicine presented. And no doubt a pioneering study and deserves the attention of oncologists and, more importantly, the provision of basic services to the population at risk - healthy postmenopausal women.

We learned from the Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project National Surgical P-1 trial, tamoxifen reduced the number of invasive breast cancer by 49% compared to placebo. A meta-analysis of tamoxifen showed a reduction of 38%, no effect on mortality and the results are similar to raloxifene. In other words, a 2002 report showed that tamoxifen does not benefit overall health. We know that patients taking these drugs, family and doctors suspect that rarely if ever prescribe tamoxifen to reduce risk. In this context, this study 4560 patients carefully built between February 2004 and March 2010. I found it interesting that the mean body mass index reported about 28 kg/m2, and I wondered if this population was, in fact, "enriched" inhibition of the answer.

The results are impressive, with a median follow up of three short, but the number of events was low. The number of women who left the study due to adverse events was similar in both groups: 32% in the exemestane arm and 28% in the placebo arm. It may surprise my colleagues for women with aromatase inhibitors in the adjuvant setting, given the preponderance of reported side effects such as muscle and joint pain, hot flashes and sexual dysfunction. Most tumors that occurred were estrogen receptor positive. This has been a concern for the study, and another interesting question now arises for the effectiveness of past efforts to reduce risk. We can only wait and be treated in the adjuvant setting, and similar results?

To understand the magnitude of this effect, it is useful to compare these results with other measures agreed to reduce the risks. We have 26 women for 5 years for a case of treatment of breast cancer, which is comparable with the results observed with statins to prevent the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Given the excellent safety profile emexestane, many experts believe that we are ready. This story will continue to evolve and are curious to see how it affects practice in the years to come.


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