October 17, 2011

Easy Ways to Help Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is not caused by a single risk factor. Invasive breast cancer happens when a cocktail of personal risks in mixed body of a woman's breasts and allow cells to change and / or make mutant cells grow.

Manner with both the research and evidence-based approach to women that we tried in the literature, talked to experts interviewed, with many veterans and breast cancer have these seven common sense ways to prevent breast cancer:

# 1 - Take 2000 IU of vitamin D3 per day or more
New research shows that keeping blood levels of vitamin D3 serum from 60 to 80 ng / ml difficult for cancer cells to mutate, the first step in the development of cancer. Most people currently in D3 dangerously low levels. As women increasingly to increase their vitamin D and more sun, the experiences of the United States at the 75% of cancer deaths and 35% decrease in annual incidence of cancer invasive breast in North America next year! Do you have a blood test for vitamin D3 today!

# 2 - Avoid drugs contraceptives and hormone replacement drug
Among the drugs contraceptives greatly increase the risk of breast cancer, women can develop, especially if they have never had a child, and / or has more than 40 years. Receiving hormone replacement therapy (ERT) drugs as they reach menopause, the risk of 26%.

# 3 - Use a flattening of the hair strong and maintenance of
African American women and others whose mothers have a strong estrogen-rectifier, conditioner and body creams, when in the womb, with children and young people, now that its products and skin, increased risk of breast cancer in their year "30 years 20 and 40 do. All women should be kept to a minimum of its products, cosmetics and home cleaning in their lifetime exposure to chemicals and hormones in animals decrease in most of these products.

# 4 - knowledge of mammography and to find safer alternatives
Increasingly clear that annual mammography may even increase the incidence of breast cancer by aggressive treatment of non-invasive and invasive cancers, which will disappear by themselves, or may never grow, but too often absent from fatal cancers. Two alternative methods of testing, thermography, with massage as a method of self-examination.

# 5 - water filter for drinking, cooking and washing
Use filtered water for the body is free of carcinogens, including hormones, chemicals, animal and human, which are often found in some municipal water supplies and good.

# 6 - Eat foods with low levels of estrogen and estrogen to manage
Food, protective phytochemicals or phytoestrogens, such as miso, tempeh, cabbage, broccoli and cabbage contain the best things a woman can add to their diet to prevent breast cancer. To limit exposure to estrogen, or more severe irritant, avoid foods that contain harmful hormones, eg, milk, rBGH growth hormone, and meat and poultry, which contains contains added hormones . Drinking rBGH milk poured risk in premenopausal women with invasive breast cancer development seven times.

# 7 - Detox alcohol, sugar and cigarettes
Use movement, meditation, massage, sports and other stress reduction techniques to reduce the amount of alcohol, sugar and / or reduce the nicotine in your body you can. Drink at least two glasses of drinks wine, beer or other alcoholic drinks a day may increase the risk of breast cancer first or second 20% to 90% by age and was the first breast cancer. Quitting smoking can reduce women's risk of cancer "breast and 120%. Keep your blood sugar and insulin levels usually increase the risk of a breast cancer survivor for a second diagnosis of 150%.

Now stop our seven simple ways to know about breast cancer, you can start making changes in your lifestyle to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Remember that breast cancer is caused by a combination of factors. Defending the simplest and most important is to take vitamin D3 to tumor formation in the first place to avoid.

Jump to a healthy lifestyle so many of our 7 easy ways can be contained.


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